Exceptional Ridgewood Teacher Benefits

Competitive Salaries

Tuition Reimbursement for Graduate Work

4-Year Teacher Induction Program

Competitive Coaching Salaries

In-Service Program

Summer Teaching Opportunities

Competitive Co-Curricular Salaries

457(b) Deferred Compensation Plan

Career Development Leave Program

Staff Member Child Enrollment at a 

Reduced Tuition Rate

Comprehensive New Teacher Orientation

Summer PD Opportunities

Aflac Supplemental Insurance

Roth IRA After-Tax Contributions

Health Insurance Waiver ($1,800 Return Payment)

Standard Teacher Benefits

Health, Dental and Prescription Coverage

Pre-Tax Savings Account for Dependent Care and Medical Expenses (FSA)

NJ Pension Enrollment

Life Insurance

403(b) Tax-Sheltered Annuity Plan

Credit Union Membership

Direct Deposit

Prudential Supplemental Insurance

Summer Savings Program

Payment on Retirement of Unused 

Sick Leave

Employee Access