Mandatory Student Information Update

The Mandatory Student Information Update must be completed in Skyward Family Access for every Ridgewood Public Schools (RPS) student at the beginning of each school year or when a new student joins the RPS District.

  • Parents/Guardians must complete the update prior to the first day of school each year.

  • Parents/Guardians of students new to RPS must complete the update before the student's first day.

Note: Families can update their student(s)'s information and required forms in Skyward throughout the school year. 

To complete the update:

  • Login to Skyward Family Access. For detailed information and instructions, click on the links below. Note: Ensure pop-ups are not blocked for Skyward.

Only active families have access to Skyward Family Access.
First-time user? Forgot username/password? Select Forgot Username/Password to receive a password reset link by email.
Didn’t receive the email? Contact your school.
Still need assistance?
Email Us

  • Select Mandatory Student Information Update. For each student in your household, complete the steps and pay all required fees to ensure student access to district resources, enable participation in school activities, including athletics.

Middle and High School students cannot view their schedules until the Mandatory Student Information Update is complete.
High School students must login to Skyward Student Access before the start of school to complete mandatory RHS student forms

Forms Required by the State of New Jersey

  • All-Media Parental Permission - allows your student's photo to appear in yearbooks, newsletters, and other district publications. You must select YES to allow permission.

  • Annual Policy Notification

  • Acceptable Use Policy form - allows your student to access our District's network and computer resources. Denying use will affect your student’s ability to complete in-class and online assignments. 

Don’t have access to a desktop computer or the internet? Contact your student’s school for assistance.